North East I.T. Solutions


Search Engine Optimisation

Search Engine Optimisation is very important to get the right traffic to your website.
Performing well in organic search is often a sum of the parts. You might have an incredible backlink profile, but if your website is full of errors and technical holes you may find you aren’t performing as well as you could be, or ought to be.
We offer a free, no obligation review of your websites technical SEO setup to give a high-level view of how well optimised for search your site is. This review will help identify any areas that may be holding back your performance in organic search results and stopping you from earning the organic traffic and revenue that you should be.
There’s no dark art or witchcraft involved, just good old fashioned knowledge and hard work. We get amazing results, fast!
  • Keyword research with complete attention on conversion.
  • On Site/Off Site SEO to maximise visability on Google.
  • Competitor analysis focusing on trends and website traffic.
  • White-Hat SEO to stay immune from SE algorithm changes.
  • Continuous monitoring, Regular Updates & Reports.
  • Guaranteed to increase your website rank on Google.